Mining Calculator
Unit Price of Miner
Qty of Miner
Computing Power
Power Consumption
Power Consumption/T ${config.minerHashRate==0 ? 0 :config.minerPower/config.minerHashRate | toFixed 2} W/T
Price/T ${currencyMap[currency].symbol} ${config.minerHashRate==0 ? 0 :config.minerPrice/config.minerHashRate | toFixed 2}/T
Power Fee

Currency Price
Starting Difficulty
Difficulty Augment
Profit Ratio
Note: converted to PPS ${config.poolFee}%
Starting Date
Ending Date

Note: this calculation result is only applicable for mining under PPS mode. There will be minor difference between the calculation result and the practical value due to factors on operation status of miners, local power fee, etc. Therefore, the calculation result is only for referrence.

Too complicated? Switch to mini version here.
Predicted Profit
Total Profit ${currencyMap[currency].symbol} ${result.totalProfit | toFixed 2} Current Daily Income ${currencyMap[currency].symbol} ${result.currentPeriodIncomeMoneyPerDay | toFixed 2 }
Total Income ${currencyMap[currency].symbol} ${result.totalIncome | toFixed 2} Current Daily Power Fee ${currencyMap[currency].symbol} ${result.currentPeriodIncomeCostPerDay | toFixed 2 }
Total Power Fee ${currencyMap[currency].symbol} ${result.totalElectricityCost | toFixed 2} Current Daily Profit ${currencyMap[currency].symbol} ${result.currentPeriodIncomeProfitPerDay | toFixed 2 }
Total Miner Cost ${currencyMap[currency].symbol} ${result.totalMinerCost | toFixed 2} Recoup Days ${result.daysToRecoup | toFixed 0 } Unable to cover the cost
Price/T ${currencyMap[currency].symbol} ${result.minerCostPerT | toFixed 2 } Mining Days ${result.miningDays | toFixed 0 }
Return on Investment ${result.roi | toFixed 2} % Max. Available Mining Days(Profit>0) ${result.maxMiningDays | toFixed 0 } 一直可挖

Starting Date Total Computing Power Income Power Fee Profit Total Profit Recoup Progress Difficulty Augment
${ el.periodStart.format('YY/MM/DD HH:mm') }
${ el.periodEnd.format('YY/MM/DD HH:mm') }
${ el.networkDiff | networkHashAndDiff }
฿ ${ el.incomeBTC.toFixed(8) }
${currencyMap[currency].symbol} ${el.incomeMoney.toFixed(2) }
฿ ${ el.electricityCostBTC.toFixed(8)}
${currencyMap[currency].symbol} ${el.electricityCostMoney.toFixed(2) }
฿ ${ el.profitBTC.toFixed(8) }
${currencyMap[currency].symbol} ${ el.profitMoney.toFixed(2)}
฿ ${ el.totalProfitBTC.toFixed(8) }
${currencyMap[currency].symbol} ${el.totalProfitMoney.toFixed(2)}
${ el.recoupPercent.times(100).toFixed(2) } % %